About Us
Who are we?
Our organisation brings together people who care about the future of our planet. We are organized on the principle of external cooperation. We explore various important areas of human life, including health, nutrition, ecology and organisation of society. We are building a scientific base of modern technologies and mechanisms of harmonious coexistance of humans and animals on our planet.
We are involved in current events, we participate in various conferences and congresses, we are present everywhere where people who care are gathering and we are developing extensive network of perceptions, skills, ideas and initiatives with a shared goal of common good for the whole ecosystem.

President of our organisation. Visionary and a dreamer. He wants to build the future where there is an abundance of fresh air, clean water and wide range of opportunities to advance personally and planetary in mutual harmony.

General secretary of our organisation. She is the main engine of our ship. Where everybody fails, she triumphs. She is a doer, wasting no time, she jumps over all obstacles and deliver on the solution that is needed.

Vice president of our organisation. Nurturing natural and holistic approach to life. His dream is to achieve the balance of mind and body in the future ecosystem environment.

Marija Minna
Event Manager of our organisation. Her dream is to organise a perfect conference or a top panel discussion. But only after she knows that the goals of the event are in line with her high standards of ecological and sustainable future design though process.